About Us

Our Core Values

God Fearing

Putting of God first in everything that you do and have Christ centered, daily dependence on Holy Spirit.


Quality of being honest and with strong moral principles also regarded as the honest and truthfulness of someone.


Practice of training people to obey rules or code of behaviour using appropriate punishments and guidance.

Time Management

Process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on activities to measure productivity.

About Us

Our Background

Sunrise Primary School is a Seventh-day Adventist church affiliated, private boarding and mixed primary school with an independent Kindergarten school. It was founded in 2000. It began with three Classes in Kindergarten i.e Baby Class, Middle Class and Top Class. Kindergarten school had 4 teachers and 15 children. Our Primary school started with 5 classes comprising of 7 qualified competent teachers and 26 children. By the end of that year the total population of children was 50.

After two years a boarding section was initiated to meet the demand of the children who were coming from distant areas in Uganda and abroad.

The schools are licensed and registered by the Ministry of Education and Sports with registration number PPS/S/174. It is also privileged to have a (Uganda National Examination Board) UNEB center number 280070.

The school was founded on a firm Christian foundation and exceptionally solid academic and co-curricular background offering lessons in classes and out of classes like Volleyball, Netball, football, hand ball, pathfindedr, Music Dance and Drama (MDD), brass band etc. It also admits learners from all backgrounds within and outside Uganda.

About Us

Our Objectives

  • To depend on God our guide in whatever activity done at school.
  • Offer jobs to qualified professional God fearing people who wish to work with a conducive working environment.
  • Guide the young generation to develop desirable social standards, moral and Religious values.
  • Promote academic excellence, develop individual talents and values that can help youngsters to suceed here and life to come
  • To work closely with the community, access quality education, share affordable resources and promote standards of living
  • Be a place of excellence where pupils may tap their potential.
  • Be a caring place where learners, teachers and parents feel valued as individuals